Cell phone privacy issues have been a troubling issue for several years. While it is true that cell technology is truly convenient, even the use of government phones may bring another issue to the mind. Are our conversations safe and confidential? Or are all our cell phones vulnerable to being hacked?
The very fact that every cell phone has a tracking mechanism can be a good thing when trying to locate a missing person. How do you handle cell phones privacy issues such as hacking and spying? When the locating system is of a cell phone is turned on, anyone can track your movements, and know where you are and what you are doing.
Can your Phone be Hacked?
With law enforcement increasingly requesting phone records, it should give us pause, but most people don’t give it a lot of thought. With the 2014 ruling, by the Federal Appeals Court states, the police now need a warrant before having access to you personal cell phone information.
Phones that are not in use can also be activated, by an outside source. As shocking as this might seem, it is completely possible. Can you imagine if any phone provider can listen in on your calls? One way to prevent this is to remove the battery from the phone and SIM card. Who wants to go through the process of doing this whenever you are not using your phone? It may work, but is totally impractical.
Handling Cell Phone Privacy Issues
Let’s face it, we can not live without our phones, or the ability to communicate freely. Cell phones are a necessity, used in almost every walk of life. Corporate offices need mobile phones for business operations. Even families require hand-held phones to call children’s schools, doctors’ offices, and local administrators for assistance with daily responsibilities.
The controversy continues. For example… those who have strong knowledge of technology will understand your cell phone privacy can never be assured when using wireless technology. Anyone’s phone can be hacked. Even inexpensive free government phone mikes can be subject to remote activation.
Ways to Protect your Cell Phone Privacy
So, whether someone uses free government phones or the more expensive types with all the upgrades and features available; your information is never completely safe. We have to get smarter and be proactive.
- Do change your passwords often
- Do delete your browser history regularly
- Don’t use auto complete for credit cards
- Do use complicated passwords that are difficult to hack
- Don’t use auto complete for credit cards
- Do disable discoverable mode on Bluetooth device
- Don’t leave you phone unattended in public places
- Don’t post anything on your phone you want to keep private
- Use a protection app for passwords and credit card information
- Don’t access personal financial information in public wi-fi areas
No one is Safe
Perhaps the only reasonable alternative left, is to always remain mindful of the fact that all cell phones, have sensors, power sources, and circuitry that are vulnerable to being accessed without your permission. Actress Jennifer Lawrence’s phone was hacked through Apple’s iCloud storage, and nude pictures were made public.
As long as you are not involved in something criminal, I wouldn’t worry to much about the government listening in on you phone calls. Believe me you are not on their radar. However, it is concerning to know that everthing we believe is private, may not be reavled to listening ears.
Finally, with the advancement of out technology, we will increasingly be faced with the vulnerability of your privacy. As we continue to be a part of the conversation and demand improved, consistent protection, things will get better. If you are paranoid about the whole matter, speak on your phone with caution, when dealing with sensitive matters, and don’t take pictures or videos you don’t want the world to see.