The Real Deal about Obamaphones

What is an Obama phone, and who is paying for them? Lifeline is a federal program, created in 1984, by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), during the Reagan administration.  This was 12 years before Obama entered the Senate and over a decade before being elected President of the United States. The program began with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, under President Bush.

The free government phone program ensured that reliable phone services are available to low-income residents at affordable rates. President Obama had nothing to do with instituting the free cell phone program.  What is an Obama phone, and who is paying for them?

Lifeline before the Obama Phone

Lifeline is a federal program, created in 1984, by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), during the Reagan administration. This was 12 years before Obama entered the Senate and over a decade before being elected President of the United States. The program began with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, under President Bush.

The free government phone program’ ensured that reliable phone services are available to low-income residents at affordable rates.   President Obama had nothing to do with instituting the free cell phone program.  The free government cell phone program helps needy families with free and discounted landlines and, cell phone service. This program ensured telephone service was available to all in the case of emergencies.  In 1996, the Telecommunications Act opened the competition to wireless cell phone companies; thus making an old program seem new.

The Truth about the Obama Phone

There is no such thing as Obama phones!  It is a term coined by political opponents used to paint President Obama in a negative light.  You can find Obama phone tee shirts, hoodies, hats, and cell phone covers to keep the myth alive!

Well, President Obama will be out of office soon, and if Hillary wins the election, you can pretty well expect you will hear free government phones called the Hillary Phone!  You just have to laugh sometimes, when you hear these conspiracy stories.  Let’s find out the truth.  Those who use the term know that Obama did not create the free cell phone program.

Who’s Paying the Obama Phone Bill?

All phone companies contribute a percentage of their revenues to the federal USF.  This includes each party that provides a service, such as Internet Protocol or VOIP providers, companies that provide paging, landline, and wireless phone companies. The universal service fees are these phones companies attempt to recover some or all of the money or Universal Service charges.

So, the answer is, we all pay for the free cell phone program; and has become the source of a lot of anger from consumers, directed the current President, who has nothing to do with the free phone program!  Obama phone mystery solved!

Obama Phone Yesterday and Today

It is true that each administration after Bush continues to support the free cell phone program.  Each year the program has become more and more expensive.  To date, many government officials are seeking to stop Obama phones from being given out to the poor.

There has been a lot of fraud and abuse in the program, but steps to limit fraud from individuals, as well as the phone companies, are being put in place.  Now everyone who enrolls for a government phone program must submit proof of income or participation in a federal assistance program.

How to Qualify for an Obamaphone

No matter what you call them Lifeline phone help disadvantaged consumers stay connected. How do you get one?  To qualify for a free cell phone an applicant must be at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.  State do vary, but if you receive assistance from Medicaid, SNAP, energy assistance, Section 8 housing, WIC and the like you qualify.  Now also, many phone providers are offering older model Apply for Free Phone Assistance smartphones.

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Free Cell Phone Program Under Attack

The free cell phone program is back in the news again.  U.S. Senator David Vitter from Louisiana has introduced legislation to end to the Lifeline Assistance Program.  This program, that helps poor Americans with discount communications services. Lifeline Assistance was created in 1984 for landlines, and then expanded under President Bush to include cell phones. When an … Continue reading

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