Free Cell Phone Plan – Choosing the Right Plan

It can be confusing when trying to choose a cell phone plan.   It is a very important item, in these modern times. Just about every person on the planet has an iPhone, blackberry, or some time of the mobile phone.  It is not good enough to have a phone, but to have a portable means of communication that meet your needs, and budget.  There are many phone plans and phones to choose from.  If you’re unemployed, on disability, receiving assistance from a government program, you may be eligible.

You should consider the government-subsidized phone until your financial situation changes.   It is a little overwhelming, even when choosing from all the free phone provider program out there!  The two main features of the government program are, the phones and the minutes are free if you qualify.

How to Choose the Best Cell Phone Plan

What is your budget?  If money or credit is a problem, consider a prepaid or prepaid plan. This way, you know, what your phone bill will be each month. There is also an incentive not to overuse your cell phone, on trivial matters.  If you get a plan, you can afford, you will never have to worry about the bill.

Do you have a family?   A family plan is great if there are several people in the family if you can afford it.   This way, you will be able to have one monthly bill to monitor for the whole family.  Are you using your phone for business?  If you use your phone for business, you will want a  phone plan, that offers unlimited minute with long distance no extra charge. These plans are seemingly a little more expensive, but will actually save you more money in the long run.

How old are you?  If you are an older person, you may want to pick a phone that accommodates the needs of senior citizens, like larger keyboards.  That would mean a phone like the Jitterbug, that offers a larger phone that fits comfortably in the hand, with larger than usual buttons.

 Popular Free Providers

Good Customer Service

When choosing a free cell phone provider, it is also important to pick one who gives you great customer service.  Nothing is more frustrating than having a problem with your phone and not being able to reach your phone provider.

A good way to find out if you can rely on your free cell phone provider is to do a Google search for the particular phone company you want to go with.  “How is the customer service for” and then the provider name.

When customers are unhappy with the service they receive, they will happily tell anyone who will listen about it. Good luck on your search for the best free cell phone for your needs!  Once you get your phone, it is important to manage your minutes.

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One Reply to “Free Cell Phone Plan – Choosing the Right Plan”

  1. Having a hard time trying to recertify my government free phone !!!!

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