American Assistance Government Phones

American Assistance is a one of the many Lifeline Assistance, free cell phone carriers serving qualified low-income customers.  They are now provided phone service to Ohio, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Like most regional free government providers, American Assistance is expanding their territory, and will soon be providing free and affordable services in California, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.

American Assistance is a subsidiary of American Broadband and telecommunications.  They sell various types of affordable phone and Internet plans.  Their free plan is sponsored by the Federal Universal Service Fund and facilitated by the Lifeline Assistance Program.

Do you Qualify for an American Assistance Phone

Anyone is eligible for American Broadband and telecommunications paid services like, American Unlimited, American Freedom, American Family, American Essential.

However, to qualify for Lifeline’s no contract cell phones service, you must qualify according to U.S. Federal rules and regulations.  You may qualify when your gross family income is at or below 135% of the poverty standards.

That means you can be eligible, even if you have  a job.  The government understands that many hard-working people deserve a help. You  may also qualify if you are receiving assistance from some of the following programs:

That means you can be eligible, even if you have  a job.  The government understands that many hard-working people deserve a help. You  may also qualify if you are receiving assistance from some of the following programs:

However, to qualify for Lifeline’s no contract cell phones service, you must qualify according to U.S. Federal rules and regulations.  You may qualify when your gross family income is at or below 135% of the poverty standards.

That means you can be eligible, even if you have  a job.  The government understands that many hard-working people deserve a help. You  may also qualify if you are receiving assistance from some of the following programs:

However, to qualify for Lifeline’s no contract cell phones service, you must qualify according to U.S. Federal rules and regulations.  You may qualify when your gross family income is at or below 135% of the poverty standards.  That means you can be eligible, even if you have  a job.  The government understands that many hard-working people deserve a help. You  may also qualify if you are receiving assistance from some of the following programs:

  • SSI Disability
  • Food Stamps/SNAPS
  • WIC (Woman and Infant Children)
  • National School Lunch Program
  • Supplemental Security Income SSI
  • Federal Public Housing (Section 8)
  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Federal regulations limit Lifeline Assistance enrollment, to individual in a household at a time. A household is a group of people related to each other, living in one location.  You are also allowed to change providers, but you must first de-enroll from your current service, to switch to another.

Program Benefits ( all free)

  •    Cell Phone
  •    250 Minutes Per Month
  •    250 Text Messages Per Month
  •    Caller ID
  •    Call Waiting
  •    3 Way Calling
  •    Voicemail

How to Enroll

You can sign up to receive phone service by calling the company direct, who will help you with your application.  You can also fill out an application online, or download the forms, fill them out and fax or mail them back to the company.  If you believe you meet the qualifications for a free government phone, we have provided you with the contact information below.

American Assistance
PO Box 577
Toledo, OH 43697
Company WEB SITE

8 Replies to “American Assistance Government Phones

  1. This company is not about do asheysay they refuse to let to seak t anyone in charge and tey still haven’t gave you phiei been approved since 14 Jan.

  2. I think I did not make a phone call in the first week of the month and now my phone is locked. Is there a fix for this. It is an Alcatel. Not sure what model, but if you can offer me advice, I can probably find out. Thanks.

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