Cheapest Landline Telephone Service

Free and Cheap Home Phone Service – You may qualify for a monthly discount on your landline phone service. The Lifeline phone program was established to help low-income residents with home phone service.  As landline service expanded to cellular, the program really took off, and millions of people switched to cell phone service.

The program included free and discounted cell phone service for consumers who qualified financially.  There are still people who desire to have telephone service in their homes in today’s technical world.  Lifeline still provides discounts and free landline phone service for home phone service. 

They also help with deposits to establish a new phone service.  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) oversee USF in funding affordable home phone service.

Cheapest Landline Phone Service -Regulations

Lifeline discounts help to keep phone service affordable.  Lifeline also gives support to both free government phone and home phone service. When you apply for assistance with your home phone, you can get up to a $9.95 discount on services.

Under Federal law, each family unit is eligible for only one phone line per household.  Violation of this law may result in losing lifeline privileges.  A household is defined as a group of people living in one dwelling.  At the time of registration, an applicant can identify adults living in the home at the same address and live separately.

Regulations require you to re-qualify each year, and if you have lifeline assistance for your home, you cannot get cell phone service. These savings can make a big difference for those who need help the most.  Funding used for Lifeline and Linkup’s home and cell phone service are collected through the Universal Service charge.

Universal Service fee is a percentage of the end-user telecommunication funds, which appears in the phone consumer phone bill.  The universal service charge helps provide landline phone service and wireless phone service that is affordable.

Home Phone Service through Link-Up

Eligible subscribers get a one-time discount from Link-up off their initial installation fee for their home phone service. They can get up to a $30 discount on the installation, which is the maximum discount. Like Lifeline, Link-up subscribers are only allowed to get one phone service per household.

Do you know there are thousands of cellular companies that provide free government discounts? Chances are, there are several phone companies in your city offering this help. Those eligible for Lifeline assistance can receive discounts of up to $9.25 per month.  You may also be able to receive additional help from your state. Discounts are given by the telecommunication company and reimbursed by the Lifeline Assistance program.

All telecommunications providers must contribute to the federal USF a small percentage of their revenues. These telecommunications companies, in turn, a charged phone, uses a small fee on telephone bills to recover fees. This fee is listed under a Universal Service line on your phone bill.

How to Qualify for a Lifeline Discount on Home Phone Service

  • Medicaid
  • Section 8
  • Food Stamps (SNAP)
  • WIC (Woman and Infant Children)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

You may also qualify for a free government phone if you work and your gross monthly or yearly income is at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

How to Apply For Telephone Service

You can enroll by applying with a Lifeline Phone provider in your state.  Find out what providers are in your state here.  You must prove eligibility by producing documentation such as tax returns from the previous year, current payroll stubs from your employer, a letter proving social security benefits, retirement, Unemployment benefits, child support, etc.

For more information about eligibility and how to apply for Lifeline benefits, visit:
1-888-CALL-FCC Customer service

2 Replies to “Cheapest Landline Telephone Service

    1. Leslie, an upgrade is just that. You get a better phone to replace your older phone. However, upgrades are not free. You will have to pay for the new model phone you want. Look for a phone that is compatible with you provider look online, in stores and on your provider website for discounts. Good luck.

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