Free Cell Phone Providers in Your State

Free Cell Phone Providers in Your State.  If you can not afford phone service, you may qualify for cell phone and landline service from the government program Lifeline.  Government phone provider facilitates the program, by providing one home phone or cell phone for each family that qualifies financially.  Lifeline phones are not new.  They have been around since the 1980s.  Back then, they helped low-income rural families and seniors with home phone service, including assistance with the deposit to sign up for landline service.

Cell phone service is the universal choice of communication and the cell phone program has grown to cover every U.S. state.  Plans and program rules vary slightly from phone provider to provider but they all offer free cell phones and service. It is good to know how many minutes offer since the beginning of the program have tripled.

Free Cell Phone Service Help the Poor

Lifeline subsidizes free services for low-income Americans. Funding for the program comes from Universal Service Fund fee, charged on all landline and portable service.  Phone service gives you the freedom and peace of mind, that comes with reliable means of communication.  They help eliminate fear and isolation that comes with being isolated. These services allow users to life-saving contacts with rescue and abuse hotlines for battered women. If you already receive benefits from welfare, you should be eligible to receive one of these free cell phones.

You may be surprised to know that many working families may be eligible to receive government assisted phones.  If you work,  and your income is too high for free government phone service, there are many inexpensive pay-as-you-go cellular plans.  Provider’s plan may vary, but most do provide a free cell phone, help with installing landline service and free or discounted phone services. Click on your state to find out what phone providers in your state.  If you don’t find your state below check for our lifeline provider list.

Alabama |Alaska |Arkansas | Arizona California | Connecticut | District of Columbia | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Mississippi | Missouri | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | Ohio | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin

Free Cell Phone Providers in your State

Click on the list of free government phones and providers below. There you will find many great phone companies, with great service.  Find a cell phone provider in your state, with the benefits you desire.  Go to the website to fill out an application.  If you have any questions or don’t find a cell phone provider in your area,  leave a comment and we will get back with you.  Find out more information about government phones for low-income consumers.

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